Less than 10 km from the stretch of the Via Francigena that passes through San Lorenzo Nuovo during Stage 38, on the northwestern hills of Lake Bolsena, you will find the small Municipality of Gradoli. Its name is believed to derive from the Latin term “gradus,” which referred to the steep staircase used to access an imposing castle in the area.
Located at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 12, you will find the infopoint managed by the local Pro Loco, which offers the following services:
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele 12 - Gradoli (VT)
● 0761 456810; ● +39 349 1253665
Inside the Municipality building, located at Piazza Luigi Palombini 2, you will find the Public Library, part of the Lake Bolsena Library System, which offers the following services:
Piazza Luigi Palombini 2 - Gradoli (VT)
On holidays, except for Easter and Christmas, opening is for half a day.
The largest tourism aggregation in Tuscia: over 60 partners including municipalities, authorities, companies, associations.
© 2023 Tusciadavivere.it – DMO La Francigena e le vie del gusto
Piazza Girolamo Fabrizio, 1 – 01021 Acquapendente (VT) – CF 90141970567