Piansano between the Etruscan, Roman, and noble families

The small and characteristic village of Piansano, nestled among green fields and woods, has origins dating back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by the flint points found in the areas surrounding the inhabited center.

Between the Etruscan, Roman, and noble families

The small and characteristic village of Piansano, nestled among green fields and woods, has origins dating back to prehistoric times, as evidenced by flint arrowheads found in the surrounding areas of the town. Subsequently, these places were inhabited by the Etruscans, and throughout the Middle Ages, it was under the control of the papacy and various noble families such as the Bisenzio, Vico, and Farnese.

Passing through the center of the town, situated on the tuff spur, allows you to evoke those historical events by traversing alleys, palaces, and picturesque views. Doing so leads to the discovery of the characteristic Clock Tower, adorned with the emblem of Piansano.

Not far away, we find the Town Hall, Palazzo Fabrizi, an 19th-century modification of the ancient medieval castle, where inside, you can admire a small collection of Etruscan artifacts found in the region.

Also, in the historic center stands a splendid 18th-century church.

Piansano boasts a rich gastronomic tradition closely tied to the production of cheeses (ricotta, mixed caciotta, cave-aged pecorino, and Tuscan pecorino) and wine production, guaranteed by the DOC and IGT labels of Tuscia. Among the typical products to taste is the so-called “Tortello,” a puff pastry dessert filled with flavored ricotta, which is the centerpiece of the festival organized every year in the month of May.

Events in Piansano

In May, the village comes alive with music, performances, and events to celebrate the patron saint of the town, San Bernardino da Siena. Another occasion to visit Piansano is the festival of Madonna del Rosario, which falls in the early days of October. In the summer, the Maternum marathon takes place, a recreational walk along the dense network of nature trails set up around the town.